I hope this blog update finds you all well and having had a chance to try a few lessons at home. If you're struggling, do your best and understand that we know you're trying. We aren't looking for perfection, just a strong attempt.
As far as submitting work back to myself and Mrs. Sleeba, you may choose to do it nightly or weekly; your choice!
I've taken off some tabs from the blog and added a few more relevant ones, for the time being. Please get reacquainted with the blog and reach out with any questions or concerns.
I've also added a section called ___ of the Day. I'll post some jokes, riddles, fun problems, facts, etc. each school day. I'll do it daily for the next two weeks so that your child has a safe place to go to for some silly information.
If your child does any creative projects that you'd like to share photos of, please send them my way and I'll post a few on the blog for others to see. No photos of faces unless you're okay with sharing publicly on the blog.
Stay safe and healthy!