Monday, May 18, 2020

Our Last Week!

We're almost there!
As we approach the finish line for this school year, let's cross with some fun!
The workload for this final week has been greatly decreased and replaced with some lighthearted Spirit Week activities. From a student time capsule activity, Spalding done in Spirit- Week- style and story books read by Lincoln kindergarten teachers, it’s the perfect conclusion to a year of diligence.

Spirit Week:
Monday- Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday- Pajama Day
Wednesday- Super Hero Day
Thursday- Blue and Gold/ Lightening Day
Friday- Beach Day

Please also join in the kinder commencement drive- thru ceremony this Thursday, May 21st. Our class begins at 8:15am. Feel free to help create an air of excitement and celebration by decorating your car so we have a parade of enthusiasm. Please don't forget to place your family ID number placard on your dash before entering the driveway. We also ask that you help mitigate the spread of germs to staff and families by following guidelines for COVID-19 and wearing a face covering to receive your child's certificate at the conclusion of the drive thru.  Mrs. Sleeba and I are excited to see everyone and celebrate our year of growth at this momentous occasion.

It's amazing to think back to when our journey started with your child and compare that fledgling student who first entered the classroom to the scholar that we have now. What a difference 10 months makes in the heart and mind of an Archway Lincoln student. Think back on how much they have matured physically and emotionally and the growth they have attained academically from reading more and more independently to solving math and situational problems on their own.  We're delighted by your child's achievements and have loved being a part of their academic journey. We're also excited to see where it all leads and encourage you to keep us abreast of their future accomplishments.

I'm looking forward to the day we can be back on campus again but until then, stay safe and have a relaxing and refueling summer break.

Mrs. Bagby