Monday, April 20, 2020

Message from Mrs. Sleeba

Dear Families

First, let me say I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. 
I hope that your first few weeks with Google classroom has been good. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding through it all. I wanted to inform you about three things as we move on to next week.
  1. Google Classroom
Our fellow Kindergarten teacher, who is also a parent, found an easier way to submit her son's work on Google Classroom.
Steps to submit work:
You can download the app Google Classroom on your phone.
First scroll to the correct day and open the assignment you need.
It will open and give the option to attach an image. If you click this it will connect to your phone camera and allow you to take a picture and it will give you the option to move forward or try again. Then it takes a second but automatically loads to the assignment.
The last step is to click the button turn in and you are all set.
This way, you can submit work right after your child is done with it.

Remember to continue having your child read each assigned book twice.
Also note, there is another tab called Flight Check. This can be used at any time your child feels ready to move up to the next level. Please have them do a "cold reading." This means that it should be their first attempt and complete it free from parent assistance. Avoid giving them a word, but instead encourage them to sound it out and move on to the next word. 
We will be listening to their reading and if they read with 95% accuracy, they will move to the next level.
We are so excited to hear them read and proud of their achievements!

3. Zoom Connect

Thank you for signing up to Zoom this week. We enjoyed connecting with our students on Zoom and hearing them share with us and their fellow classmates about their pets, stuffed animals, and all the new things they have been learning.
We would like to connect again next week! I have emailed a signup link and there are 4 spots for each Zoom meeting.

Please remember, I will only send an invite out to specific emails and never publicly post a zoom meeting link. The link is not to be shared by anyone. Upon logging in you will be asked to sit in a virtual “waiting room” until I accept you into the meeting so that only those I know will be accepted in. Parents are always welcome to sit in on the meeting. It will be suggested they sit with their back to the wall so that nothing may come across the screen unwanted. The zoom meeting can be locked upon everyone joining so that no others may join in. 

Also I wanted to take this opportunity to thank our parents who are doctors, nurses, hospital employees, and first responders for all they are doing to keep us safe and healthy. 

Have a safe weekend!