Friday, November 22, 2019

Next Week: Short and...Jeans?

After a wonderful week learning and celebrating the first Thanksgiving we're ready for the REAL thing next week with our own family and friends.
We have only two days of school next week but they are a joy for us in kindergarten.

Monday: NO HOMEWORK!  We earned a night free of homework by meeting our goal of 8,000 minutes read during the Read-a-thon.  Enjoy!

Tuesday: Jeans & T-shirt Day!  In celebration of a well done Read-a-thon there is a school-wide jeans and t-shirt day.  Pay close attention to the guidelines:
Students may wear jeans (pants), a t-shirt and any color tennis shoes.
*Jeans/pants must fit appropriately, not too close or tight, and must sit at the waist.
*No jeggings.
*No holes or rips.
*T-shirts must be a school spirit shirt, sport team/college themed, or solid color.
*Tennis/athletic shoes can be any color.
*No pop culture.

**If a student chooses not to participate they must wear their normal uniform.